high protein biltong breakfast with egg and kale

Easy High Protein Biltong Breakfast

March 13, 2018

This is a quick and easy breakfast that is perfect for any Keto, Paleo, Whole30, and Healthy Living lifestyle!  This breakfast dish has over 30g of Protein (16g from half a bag of Grass-Fed Biltong, 12 grams for 2 eggs and 3g from kale). 


  • 1/2 package of Biltong

  • 1 cup of Kale, sautéed

  • 2 eggs, hardboiled or poached

  • Seasoning, to taste

  • 2 tbps olive oil or ghee

high protein breakfast with eggs, kale and beef biltong


  1. Perfect Hard boiled Eggs: Fill a medium sized pot with six eggs and add enough cold water for there to be at least 2 inches of water above the eggs. Bring to a boil. After one minute, remove pot from flame and cover for 10 minutes. Remove eggs from hot water and place carefully in ice bath for a few minutes. Peel. If you have trouble with hard-boiled eggs like we do sometime, just poach the eggs!

  2. While the eggs are cooking, saute the kale by heating olive oil / ghee in a large saucepan over medium-high heat, add kale and cover with lid, cook for 3 minutes, remove lid and cook another 2 minutes.

  3. Place on a plate and add Ayoba Biltong.

  4. Season eggs and kale to taste.

  5. Enjoy!



Cras quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper bibendum bibendum. Duis tincidunt urna non pretium porta. Nam condimentum vitae ligula vel ornare. Phasellus at semper turpis. Nunc eu tellus tortor. Etiam at condimentum nisl, vitae sagittis orci. Donec id dignissim nunc. Donec elit ante, eleifend a dolor et, venenatis facilisis dolor. In feugiat orci odio, sed lacinia sem elementum quis. Aliquam consectetur, eros et vulputate euismod, nunc leo tempor lacus, ac rhoncus neque eros nec lacus. Cras lobortis molestie faucibus.


Cras quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper bibendum bibendum. Duis tincidunt urna non pretium porta. Nam condimentum vitae ligula vel ornare. Phasellus at semper turpis. Nunc eu tellus tortor. Etiam at condimentum nisl, vitae sagittis orci. Donec id dignissim nunc. Donec elit ante, eleifend a dolor et, venenatis facilisis dolor. In feugiat orci odio, sed lacinia sem elementum quis. Aliquam consectetur, eros et vulputate euismod, nunc leo tempor lacus, ac rhoncus neque eros nec lacus. Cras lobortis molestie faucibus.